Simulations as a tool for human-centered exoskeleton design

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(Ananth Gopalakrishnan, PhD, Application Engineer, AnyBody Technology, 27. February, 2018 )

Designing an exoskeleton is sometimes more straightforward than understanding the benefits and dangers it poses to a human operator.
Experimental testing may be a solution, but it also increases development time and costs, since full-scale prototypes and special equipment (motion sensors, VO2 measurement etc) are usually necessary. Additionally, it is almost impossible to observe all localized effects of an assistive device on the human body, eg: Does it overload the spine?
In this webcast, Dr. Ananth Gopalakrishnan from AnyBody Technology, will make a case for computerized “musculoskeletal simulations” as solutions to some of the above issues.
He will present case studies which use the “AnyBody Modeling System” software for design refinement and benefit evaluation, through computer models of human-exoskeleton interaction. The simulations build a detailed physiological picture of individual muscle activities & joint forces, metabolic energy and strap forces.

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