Personalize your musculoskeletal models based on medical image data

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(Pavel Galibarov, AnyBody Technology, 19. April, 2016 )

Musculoskeletal modeling provides a great value for a product design process by quantifying otherwise immeasurable human response, such as muscle, joint reaction forces, internal bone motion, etc., to physical activity, and environment, i.e. a product. This output can be used to improve a product targeting human performance or function by minimizing internal body load, fatigue, energy expenditure, and so on. However, typically such responses will be specific to a human subjected to a virtual experimentation process, e.g. a musculoskeletal model. And, thus, achieving a higher level of subject-specific precision will require incorporation of the subject-specificity into the virtual experimentation process. In this webcast AnyBody Technology will demonstrate and explain current procedures used to personalize a musculoskeletal model. Several different scenarios of model individualization will be covered such as: a) using a single bone geometry from a CT scan, b) using a partial bone, and c) using a combination of motion capture data and a geometry from a full-bone CT scan.

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