Spine implant testing

It can be quite difficult to test a spine implant. Every human body is different, which means you cannot just use the same design for everyone. Hence, you will need a patient-specific design to make sure that the implant will be accurate for the specific patient. The AnyBody Modeling System (AMS) makes you able to test any prosthesis on any patient.

AMS is a human simulation software in which you can make your analysis of the patient’s spine. Hence, you can use imageing of the patient’s body and test spine biomechanics and the design of an implant. This way you are sure that the spine implant will work to its best ability in the specific patient.

The simulation is a realistic tool to test an implant design in many ways. You can test the design of the implant with different motions, everyday loads, and much more. This means you are able to test exactly how the implant works with the rest of the body.

Benefits of testing a spine implant in AMS

AMS makes you able to safely test the implant design in many different ways. This means you can reduce the risks of faults in the design and make sure that the implant works with the rest of the body. You can make sure that the implant does not put extra pressure on other parts of the body. Hence, you can reduce the risks of future injuries in the body caused by the spinal implant.

AMS also makes you able to test the biomechanics of the spine. When you implant a prothesis in a patient’s body, it needs time to heal. You can use AMS to test what motions, etc. will put pressure on the implant, which the patient should avoid. You can also get an idea of how the patient can change the motion to put less pressure on the implant. This gives the body time to heal and get used to the implant. Hence, AMS can help the patient by reducing the costs and timeframe for the healing process of the body.

Do you have any questions about the AnyBody Modeling System or how you can apply it to your work? Please contact us by mail: sales@anybodytech.com. We can also be reached in our Danish department at +45 96 35 42 86. We look forward to answering your questions.

spine implant