Adjusting the Axle Placement in Wheelchair Users to Minimize Shoulder Joint Forces

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(Sarah Sullivan-Dubrowsky, 07. November, 2007 )

This webcast is a demonstration of the construction and validation of a model of an individual with paraplegia propelling a wheelchair. This anthropometrically accurate model is driven kinematically with motion capture data and kinetically with recorded x-, y-, and z- forces from force-sensing push rims. Two validation techniques are used to build confidence in the model: 1.) experimental subject EMG activity is compared to corresponding muscle activity as calculated by AnyBody, and 2.) the torque (as opposed to the individual force-components) as calculated from the force-sensing push rims drives the model and the resulting force components are compared to the original push rim force outputs. With confidence in the model, we look at utilizing the AnyBody modeling system for quantitatively comparing the axle placement in wheelchair set-up and its effect on shoulder joint forces.

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