AnyGait: A powerful gait lab application to process motion capture trials

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(Amir A. Al-Munajjed, 30. May, 2012 )

This webinar will walk you through AnyGait, a gait analysis application targeting users who have a need for repetitive processing of trial data. Running inside the AnyBody Modeling System AnyGait uses motion capture including ground reaction forces as input in the form of C3D files. AnyGait is pre-setup with a specific marker protocol, however, a number of standard setups are available for use with different MoCap systems such as Vicon, Qualysis, and SIMI, and the system can easily be customized to other protocols. AnyGait exports the most important results in a condensed and easy-to-read form. Currently, this standard output contains joint angles of ankle, knee, and hip, joint reaction forces of ankle, knee, and hip, and muscle activity of major muscle branches, but it is customizable to meet the needs and requirements of a given laboratory, application, and patient group.

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