Estimating edge-loading risk in patients with metal-on-metal hip resurfacing

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(Stephen Mellon, University of Oxford, and Michael Skipper Andersen, Aalborg University, 11. November, 2013 )

This webcast details the method employed to investigate the contribution of patient-specific motion patterns to edge-loading risk in patients with metal-on-metal hip resurfacing arthroplasty. Fifteen subjects were recruited for motion analysis. The musculoskeletal model used a three-stage procedure. First, the patient specific joint kinematics were estimated based on a stick-figure model constructed from the standing reference frame and the estimated hip joint centres The Twente lower extremity model (TLEM) was nonlinearly morphed using radial basis functions to match the segment lengths and joint parameters of the stick-figure model. Inverse dynamic analysis was performed for the morphed TLEM model with the measured ground reaction forces as external loads and polynomial muscle recruitment criterion of power 3 to estimate muscle and joint contact forces. The distance of the hip contact force from the edge of the acetabular component during gait and sit-to-stand was used to estimate the edge-loading risk.

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