Over-determinate kinematics: The gateway to advanced motion simulation

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(Assoc. Prof. Michael Skipper Andersen, PhD, Aalborg University & Prof. John Rasmussen, PhD, Aalborg University, 26. April, 2017 )

The ability to resolve the kinematics of a model having many redundant and sometimes conflicting motion requirements is an essential strength of the AnyBody Modeling System. An efficient solver for such “over-determinate” kinematic systems is a significant advantage, as it enables a great range of musculoskeletal simulations ranging from motion capture models to prediction of motion kinematics. Join us as we dive into the theory and applications of such over-determinate kinematic analyses with the very scientists who developed it. Associate Professor Michael Skipper Andersen from Aalborg University will introduce the mathematical foundations and the technique of parameter identification. Professor John Rasmussen will then demonstrate the application of this theory and apply it to different applications.

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