TLEM: A new detailed lower extremity model

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(Sebastian Dendorfer, PhD, 19. August, 2008 )

The new Twente Lower Extremity Model (TLEM) is based on a recently published morphological dataset on muscle and joint parameters by Martijn Klein-Horsman from the University of Twente, The Netherlands [1]. The AnyBody implementation of the model was initiated by Karin Gorter, a Master Student, also from the University of Twente, during a three month stay at Aalborg University and is now being finished by AnyBody Technology.
TLEM consists of 159 muscles and 6 joint degrees of freedom. It has been validated against “state of the art” literature with respect to its biomechanical performance and first applications in gait and cycling deliver very convincing results. The model is currently being used in a project with the European Space Agency (ESA), which aims at analyzing the relationship between mechanical boundary conditions and bone loss during space flights.
TLEM itself will be public and we are looking forward to include the new lower extremity model in the next update of the Repository.
[1] Horsman, M. D. K.; Koopman, H. F. J. M.; van der Helm, F. C. T.; Prose, L. P. & Veeger, H. E. J. (2007), “Morphological muscle and joint parameters for musculoskeletal modelling of the lower extremity.”, Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon) 22(2), 239–247.

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