TLEMsafe: An integrated system to improve predictability of functional recovery of patients requiring musculoskeletal surgery

(Prof. dr. Nico Verdonschot, 04. March, 2013 )

Started in 2010 TLEMsafe aims to create a patient-specific surgical navigation system, based on innovative ICT tools, for training, pre-operative planning and execution of complex musculo-skeletal surgery. The project utilizes and further develops the Twente Lower Extremity Model (TLEM), a recently developed musculo-skeletal computer model, to represent the patient-specific situation. The next step is to allow the surgeon to virtually operate on the patient-specific model, after which the model can predict the functional effect of this intervention. In this way, the surgeon can test various surgical scenarios before actually operating. Once the optimal surgical plan is selected, the plan is fed into a computer assisted navigation system that allows the surgeon to reproduce the selected surgical plan for his patient during the actual surgery.

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