What is a musculoskeletal analysis?

A musculoskeletal analysis is an analysis where you use the muscles and bones of the body. This type of analysis can be used to test varied hypotheses where the human body are included. Further, the easiest and arguably best way to make the analysis is through a simulation. The AnyBody Modeling System (AMS) is a simulation software of the human body.

AMS can be used to make varied analyses and tests. The model is a great tool to study any mechanical function in the human body. Hence, this could be biomechanics as kinetics and kinematics. The knowledge of how this work can be a great tool for many industries. This can be anything from orthopedics, or ergonomic product design, to the design of vehicles and varied aspects of sports.

Why make a musculoskeletal analysis?

Using a musculoskeletal model is a more ethical way to study the mechanics of the body. Without a computational simulation, it can be very hard to analyze and see the mechanics of the inside of the body. AMS is based on many studies to make it as close to the real human body as possible. Hence, you can use it for your tests..

The software is a great tool to test products in relation to the human body. Hence, it is a great tool for ergonomics. Further, with AMS you are able to test how products, positions, motions, and loads impact the bones and muscles in the body. Further, this makes you able to fix faults in designs. It can help you optimize work positions to help reduce the risk of injuries. Hence, it could optimize the health care at your work.

There are many different industries that can benefit from getting knowledge of the mechanics of a body. At the same time, many industries benefit from the AMS, as a tool to test products and varied other aspects in relation to the body.

Do you have any questions about the AnyBody Modeling System or how you can apply it to your work? Please contact us by mail: sales@anybodytech.com. You can also reach our Danish department at +45 96 35 42 86. We look forward to answering your questions.

musculoskeletal analysis